American Logistics Corp

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About PartsMaster

PartsMaster is a database of over 15 million active and cancelled parts used by the United States Military and civilian agencies.

NSN Reports

A PartsMaster NSN report is a comprehensive gathering of all related information about a part in a single page.

ALI Corp. originally created PartsMaster in 1988 for DoD contractors and OEMs to find research information about a part before bidding. Since then we have added a number of databases to this report and have made it available to both military and commercial clients. Who uses PartsMaster?

Using the DoD's NSN (National Stock Number), NIIN (NSN without the first four digits), or a Part Number, anyone on the web can find basic information about any part free of charge in an Public Report. For a small fee (as little as 50 cents) PartsMaster will gather information from up to 27 different data tables and present it to you in an easy-to-read Full NSN Report.

Please note not all NSNs have data in all 27 data tables. You may always run a free search to see what is available before purchasing a Full report.

Get Prices for Parts

If you're trying to find a part, all NSN Reports will let you get prices for the part you're interested in. Just look for the Get Bids button or the Quotes menu option on the PartsMaster menu. Just enter a quantity and your request will be sent out. Come back later and the Bids menu option on the PartsMaster menu lets you review the prices that have come in. Sample Entry

Of course, some parts are hard to find. has a wealth of other reports that can help you locate what you're looking for. These are listed below.

Similar Parts Report

If you don't find what you are looking for in the NSN Reports, you may use ALI Corp.'s latest innovation, the Similar Parts Report. It will provide a list of any other parts made by the same company (or listed under the same CAGE Code) that is in the DoD's 15 million NSNs list. Also, it will look for other parts that are similar in identification. These are listed in relevance order so that you can use the information to find possible suppliers. Sample Report

Parametric Search Report

If you still can't find a supplier or similar part, you can try our Parametric Search Report. It will show you a list of the Technical Characteristics of your part and allow you to define the most important ones. Then, you'll get a list of up to 120 parts in order of importance to you. You may then get an NSN report on any or all of them. If your part has no Technical Characteristics defined, you can make your own list from the parameters of the type of item you are searching for. Sample Report

Source of Supply Identified Report

The Source of Supply Identified Report, or SOSID, will reduce your search for a supplier. You may search by exact NSN/NIIN or by starting part number or by the CAGE plus INC (item category). It's easy and takes a lot less time than examining tons of data just for a name and phone number or email. Sample Report

Global Cross Reference Report

This report lists, by FSG, FSC, INC or PSC all items related to your desired item. That is, those items considered by the government to be in the same category that you're interested in. Sample Report

NSN White Paper

Sometimes, the Full NSN Report is too much. For a more concise summary of an NSN's important characteristics, see the NSN White Paper.Sample Report