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Gov't Purchase Orders

Gov't Purchase Orders

Quick, Complete PO Retrieval

The DLA, GSA, AAFES, MCX, NECO, and TACOM agencies release POs directly into ALI's servers via a secure T2 line every few seconds; from a few hours to a full day in advance of postings on DIBBS and other agency sites, giving you a head-start with your tight delivery schedules. DLA also transmits your Mods and Cancellations via EDI text directly to your mailbox. You are notified of any directed document arrival within minutes via our automated email system.

ALI's Web Robots double-check all sites including DIBBS twice a day for any possible missing POs. We also pickup a DD1155 copy of every PO from DIBBS and keep it in our long term archives in case you ever need one. In addition, ALI's Web Robots also pick up every mod and canceled order for your reference.

Long Term Contracts Use EDI

Having a Long Term contracts means you must communicate with the government using EDI. ALI handles all tedious EDI details for you. We are the largest DLA network in number of transactions processed daily since EDI began with DLA in 1993. Some of the largest contractors with over 100 POs a day utilize ALI's Purchase Order Management System.

Better PO Management

To better manage POs ALI's RECON PO Management System assists you in rapid processing of POs, creating automatic vendor purchase orders to be sent via fax or email to client's supplier. This system also has a PO Acknowledgment to ensure vendors have received your PO.

PO RECON also provides a complete LIVE PO Status chart system for supervisory and management staff review. This system notifies you of potential problems with red flags in any of the PO processing stages.

PO RECON also meets the DLA's DPAS notification regulation and ISO and MIL-I-45208 requirements.

Award Notice

This is an EDI text notice sent by the DLA to each unsuccessful EDI bidder on the day of the award. It will show the basics of the order: awardee name, price, and award date. ALI Corp. adds your bid price to the notice for easier comparison and analysis.

Next step:
Shipping Documents